1980年前半から長きに渡り、立教大学水泳部の恒例行事となった「グアム合宿」、現地グアムで献身的なサポートをしていただいたBarbara Zimmermanさんが、本年1月20日にガンにより逝去なさいました。
以下、Barbaraさんの娘さん「Bonnie Twogood」さんから、安部OBOG会長宛に届いたメールを紹介します。
Mr. Abe,
I am reaching out in regards to news about my mother Barbara Zimmerman. I know you had a long friendship over the years, so I thought I'd send you this email.
Sadly, mom passed away on Jan 20th after a short battle with cancer. She was diagnosed in July, then moved to the US to seek treatment & surgery, but she succumbed to her illness a few weeks ago. I know she valued your friendship throughout the years! She really enjoyed your many visits to Guam and her travels to Japan. Thank you for those many lasting memories
Bonnie Twogood
In Memory of Barbara Zimmerman